We are so very dependent on weather
We’ve had to cancel a few rides so far this season. I feel sadness, and disappointment when that happens; I so love to ride my bike, I love to ride with the Bettys, and somehow I feel responsible for the weather, which is crazy, and then guilty when the sun comes out after we have called it! Both are irrational feelings; I am not responsible for the weather, dah!, but I am responsible for doing my part in maintenance of our trails and so to ride in the mucky clay of our Don is so irresponsible. Getting caught out in light rain in the summer in the woods can be a lot of fun, and mountain biking is about splashing a little in the mud (check out our jerseys!) but thunder and lightning are clearly unsafe to play in and the trails do take a beating when sodden.There are some great spots to ride in southern Ontario on a rainy day that do not suffer at all when ridden, but our urban hillside trails aren’t one of them!
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So happy to have all the new Bettys, both in Toronto and Milton. We've had a few rides at each chapter and our race team has had it's first race with some personal firsts, podium finishes, and lessons learned...so now we all know the routine and the name of the game is FUN!
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Time is a ticking and the dates for our sign ups and for our first race are coming nearer nearer and the weather is not cooperating! This time of year we need the light in the evenings, check!; the rain to clean things up, check!; and we need the frost to come out of the ground, not check :(
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Big winter for this Betty with loads of life changes and distractions. For the last few winters I have been lucky enough to take a training trip to the south in February. Since our race season starts usually in the mucky late April mud here in Ontario there is not much trail time before the first race and as much as the trainer in the basement is a great place to watch a few movies and cross country skiing is an excellent workout who would pass up the opportunity to go south?!
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So this year has so far been a whirl wind of activities that are seriously interfering with training and all things Betty.
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