Do you want to join us for 2025? Registration is open NOW. You can join us by any of the join buttons on the webiste or HERE. Our rides will start up again May 6, 2025. And this year we are bringing back the TORONTO SIGNUP and SOCIAL at Bateman's Trail Shop, 49 Laird Drive, APRIL 22 , 6-8PM This is a chance for the curious and 2025 members to mingle with the leaders and sweeps, ask questions, sign up on the spot if you haven't already and kick off the season before we meet to ride in May.
Ride On!
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We did it, our third annual women's only mountain bike race in the Don happened on the date we chose, no rain and we had 30 women all smiles racing in Crother's Woods. It was such a great evening. We need to thank all the participants and volunteers and our wonderful supportive sponsors. We couldn't do it without YOU!!!
I have worked on a short film of the event for the last few days after compiling all the pictures and videos from our photographer, @theywantBS, and the other volunteer marshals out on the course. It was super fun to relive it all and see the pics from the different places on the course that I couldn't get to during the event. It's longer than our usual Wild Betty videos at 4 minutes and 50 sec but I hope you enjoy it!! This latest one is also on Vimeo, you can view them all on our YOUTUBE channel, and or click this article or our banner pics.
We have started thinking about the 2017 version of this event already, and will be sending out a survey to all involved to make sure we are providing the best event we can. The planning committee works long and hard to bring you this event and we are so lucky to have them. We actually have quite a bit of expertise now that we have put on three of these events but we are looking for your input so please help us when you see the monkey survey in your inbox.
We are, as you know, a not for profit organization and we do run a tight budget with the generous help of our sponsors, membership dues, clothing sales and racer fees. It is important to us to provide the safest event possible and, of course, to comply with our costly permit and insurance. So our grassroots event is modest but hey, we can dream big so be sure to give us your ideas.
Congratulations to all the racers who came out to try racing, as well as the experienced ones who showed us how to do it in the woods. If you were watching/volunteering for us and your interest in piqued now, today is the first day of the new season to think about preparing to give it a try for 2017, just saying ;)
Thank you again to all involved!
Ride On!
The WildBettys
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